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Does he dream of talking?

I have so many nights where I dream about Nathan talking to me. Some nights he is holding a whole conversation, some nights it is him learning a new phrase and saying it perfectly. 

I always wake up feeling like it was real.

But I'm brought down to reality when Nathan wakes me up and is still pointing and making noises to try to get what he needs.

Last night I was laying with him as he was falling asleep. As he started to get still and I could hear his breathing I started thinking, does he dream that he can talk to me?

Does he dream that he can communicate his needs and wants without us trying to decipher what he's trying to tell us?

Does he dream that he tells me how his day was after school? I ask him every single day even though I don't get a reply.

Does he dream that he is talking to his dad about cars and trucks? Does he tell him his favorite one?


Does he dream about talking to other kids and running around and playing with them? 

Are his dreams full of saying I love you mama and daddy? Does he say I'm hurting? Does he say I'm sad?

And does he wake up with a sense of sadness that it was all just a dream?

It's crazy how it is so easy to take communication for granted. Before Nathan I never really thought about not being able to talk, not being able to express your emotions, not being able to just ask for what you need?

Nathan is working and trying so hard. I know deep down he will have the words one day. He will be able to tell me that when he was little he dreamed of talking to me. 

And I will sit there with open ears and listen to it all.


  1. so sorry i have a Great Granddaughter 17 that is non verbal she has CP


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